Additional Info

About 08 Media Productions

Hey everyone!


At 08 Media we believe that the little changes you make every day can have a big impact on the world, and for this reason we have a set of ethics we strongly believe in and enforce on a daily basis.


We are allergic to sexism, racism and bullying of any form. It is not who we are, and it’s behaviour we don’t condone - under any circumstances! So, everyone on our set is guaranteed to feel safe, protected and loved, as all human beings should be.


We also have a strong ethos around sustainability, waste and protecting our one, precious planet. For this reason we don’t allow single-use plastic on set, and we shudder when we see plastic plates, cutlery and glasses. What we use are personally branded aluminium drinking bottles, and we provide water coolers for the hard-working, thirsty folk among us.

Waste is separated into separate bins on set and taken to recyle stations every evening. It’s the only way, y’all.


Lastly, things that cannot be refunded or returned are donated or sold, and all profits go to a charity of your choosing. This year we donated to the Al Noor Orphanage and Project Playground. We are also full members of


Thank you for understanding how important all this stuff is, and helping us be better citizens of the planet.


Clients of 08 Media Productions

Amica Germany, Bolero, Cosmopolitan Sweden, Damernas Värld, Elle Italy, Elle Netherlands, Flair, Glamour France, Glamour Germany, Glamour Holland, Glamour Sweden, Harpers Bazaar USA, HM Magazine, NK Stil, Numero, Starstyle, Sud Deutsche Zeitung, Velvet, Vouge Nippon

Achim Lippoth, Asa Tallgard, Andrea Gandini, Andreas Kock, Anti Wendel, Axel Hoedt, Bernd Westphal, Bersa, Camilla Akrans, Dani Brubaker, Daniel Wester, Denise Grunstein, Eric Broms, Eric Josjö, Esperanza Guerrero, Ewa-Marie Rundquist, Franck Malthiery, Gianluca Fontana, Hans Verleur, Hasse Nielsen, Henrik Halvarsson, Honer Akrawi, Jesper Brandt, Jimmy Backius, Joel Rhodin, Johan Hultman, Johan Hellstrom, Johan Palmborg, Jonas Linell, Josie Borain, Josie Sykes, Jurgen Berderow, Justin Badenhorst, Kacper Kasprzyk, Louis Decamps, Marcus Ohlsson, Marion Boe, Mats Widen, Nils Odier, Oscar Falk, Patrik Johall, Paul Berends, Peter Gehrke, Pia Ulin, Ralf Pullmanns, Rickard Sund, Stellan Herner, Susanna Walstrom, Takay, Thomas Klementsson, Tobias Lundqvist, Toby Maudsley, Timo Sander,  Tim Marsella    

120%, ABN Amro, ACO, Ahlens, Audi, Appelrath Cupper, Casall, Citigate Gramma, Dressmann, Eurocard, GO Outdoors, Gudrun Sjoden, H&M Home, H&M Online, H&M Catalogue, Indiska, Intersport, Kia, Kuoni, La Perla, Libero, Lindex, LR International, MQ, Nike Europe, NK Department Store, Oriflame, Roberto Cavalli, Robur, Siemens, Sisley Summer 09, Stadium, Team Sportia, Telia, Texet AB, Vattenfall