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4 years of the highest standards - 4 years of NEW STANDARD.S
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The Berlin-based consulting agency NEW STANDARD.S can look back on four successful years. Since the agency was founded in October 2020, the team led by Nika van Olst, 38, and Maximilian Mauracher, 31, has supported numerous clients from the private and public sectors in strategically planning, substantially implementing and effectively communicating the topic of sustainability within the company. NEW STANDARD.S has also set its own high standards for its own work, both on a large and small scale: both in everyday processes such as the selection of sustainable service providers, a daily fresh organic-vegan team lunch or the consistent four-day week (32 hours) for all twelve employees, as well as in larger business decisions such as client selection - the agency's focus on impact and the common good is always a priority. Industries that have a disproportionately harmful impact on the environment, people or animals will not be found on NEW STANDARD.S's client list. GoSee : newstandard.studio/standards