News // 4 News of Tina Luther

‘As if made for me...’ - fashion by WALBUSCH, TVC by Director Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS for you on GoSee.News


‘Dress in Happiness’ – Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS was commissioned to realize the new campaign for WALBUSCH in stills and motion. Created under the direction of Tina Luther, with Kristian Sickinger as DOP, was also the TVC presented here for the latest collection. Cross-generational casting was in the hands of Birgit Stöver Artists.The new commercial asks viewers: What should clothing do for us today? What makes a pair of pants a companion for years? In the …
28.10.2024 // show complete article

WMF stills & motion by Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS

Tina LUTHER was commissioned by WMF to realize new content. Alongside the photos, several short videos were also created together with Kristian Sickinger as DOP, which were directed by Tina Luther. 
04.03.2024 // show complete article

Photos & film for WEMPE, the jeweler steeped in tradition from Hamburg – with artwork by director and photographer Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS for you on GoSee.News

The name Wempe stands for finest quality watches and jewelry. Founded in 1878, the family business in Hamburg is headed by Kim-Eva Wempe (born 1962) and has 32 stores and brand boutiques, e.g., in New York, Paris and London.Photographer and director Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS was commissioned to create new photo and video content for WEMPE. Created with Kristian Sickinger at her side as DOP were plenty of new videos and advertising motifs.Gerhard D. Wempe GmbH & Co. KG is a German jeweler …
30.01.2024 // show complete article

COPENHAGEN STUDIOS campaign & image film, realized by photographer & director Tina LUTHER c/o  BIRGIT STÖVER ARTISTS in Lanzarote

Tina LUTHER c/o BIRGIT STÖVER photographed the new collection from COPENHAGEN STUDIOS in Lanzarote. On the black sand of the volcanic landscape, the designs are shown in the perfect light. Besides photos, Tina produced the image film as director together with DOP Kristian Sickinger, as well as content for social media. Special thanks go to Sophia Costima, Creative Director of this production.The collections are marked by minimalist designs, smooth leather and understated colors. The design studio is located in the heart of Copenhagen.
11.07.2023 // show complete article