RECENT POSTS of Hauser Fotografen / Veronika Hauser, SORTED BY DATE
Photographer Grayson LAUFFENBURGER c/o HAUSER FOTOGRAFEN originally comes from San Diego, California. He studied Classical Philology at Rollins College in Florida and lives in Berlin today – where he is pursuing a career as a portrait and commercial photographer, and also likes to photograph the occasional personal project.
“For those of you who are unaware, Stefan Krynauw, a friend, artist & model (@stefan_krykry), and I have created a masterpiece. We call it ‘A Day at the Beach’, and it is a collection of images created entirely by awkwardly asking complete strangers we found at the beach to help us create a beautiful rendition of a cheesy family vacation photo album. It was unbelievably uncomfortable to make but some of the most fun I’ve ever had. For your viewing pleasure!” Grayson Lauffenburger, photographer.
“Originally from Southern California and now based in Berlin, he seamlessly blends his West Coast roots with European influences. Grayson’s love for photography is rivaled...