'The ant collective' by Armin SCHIEB c/o SEPIA

'The ant collective' by Armin SCHIEB c/o SEPIA


book cover of the ant collective

Illustration Armin Schieb c/o Sepia

SEPIA - the Agency for Illustration presents 'THE ANT COLLECTIVE' – the development and organization of an ant colony in captivating 3D images by Armin SCHIEB c/o SEPIA, appearing as an illustrated book at Kosmos Publishing

New at GoSee is illustrator representation SEPIA. In the summer of 2012, Anja Laame and a handful of illustrators founded the agency in Hamburg. Part of the team from the very beginning were Frederik Jurk, Armin Schieb and her husband André Laame. Initially focused only on magazines, the agency quickly grew to include advertising and books. The agency Sepia has meanwhile moved its base to Münster and now represents twelve international...

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