In the new comedy series ‘Pretty Face’, (not) everything is about losing weight : The overweight character Gigi, played by Dilara Aylin Ziem, gets a surprise vacation from her boyfriend. She quickly realizes that he signed her up for a so-called fat camp. Out of love for David, Gigi agrees to this unusual experience – and ultimately discovers what living a healthy life is all about.
The promo motifs for the TV series were photographed by Benno KRAEHAHN c/o HAUSER FOTOGRAFEN.
The series was created as part of the Storyteller contest of RTL+ and was realized as the winning project of emerging author Aylin Kockler. With this format, the two authors would like to challenge viewing habits and try to give people with excess weight a voice on the screen in this way. In the show, this actually quite serious topic is deliberately combined with the comedy genre, which however doesn't deal with additional weight itself but more with how we treat others who have it. And even though it’s also healthy and important to laugh about oneself once and awhile, our own bodies should never be the punchline of a joke, according to the goal of the author.
With the contest, RTL+ wanted to offer young talent a stage while at the same time looking for new and exciting stories for a young audience. As part of the contest, students of six German universities had the chance to develop a concept for a young adult series and submit it. The winner would take home a prize film budget of € 700,000 plus a production contract with RTL+ as the broadcasting company to release it.
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