10.09.2024  •  Advertising NEWS


‘Tableaus of Triumph’ - key visuals of the ASTON MARTIN Vanquish campaign - staging the vehicle in artistic images


Anomaly Berlin : The New Aston Martin Vanquish | An Icon Returns

Director: Felix Aaron
DOP: Konstantin Mazov
Production: WA Productions
Advertising Agency: Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director: Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director: Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer: Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents

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Anomaly Berlin : The New Aston Martin Vanquish | An Icon Returns

Director: Felix Aaron
DOP: Konstantin Mazov
Production: WA Productions
Advertising Agency: Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director: Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director: Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer: Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents

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Anomaly Berlin : The New Aston Martin Vanquish | An Icon Returns

Director: Felix Aaron
DOP: Konstantin Mazov
Production: WA Productions
Advertising Agency: Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director: Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director: Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer: Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents

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Anomaly Berlin : The New Aston Martin Vanquish | An Icon Returns

Director: Felix Aaron
DOP: Konstantin Mazov
Production: WA Productions
Advertising Agency: Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director: Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director: Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer: Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents

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Anomaly Berlin : The New Aston Martin Vanquish | An Icon Returns

Director: Felix Aaron
DOP: Konstantin Mazov
Production: WA Productions
Advertising Agency: Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director: Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director: Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer: Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents

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“At the heart of the campaign are the ‘Tableaus of Triumph’, key visuals designed to artistically stage the Vanquish. Inspired by contemporary artists, such as Frederik Heyman or Theater Director Robert Wilson, we tried to depict all key aspects of the car, i.e., its impressive performance, the level of bespoke customization, and Aston Martin’s 111-year history in individual, powerful images.

In the words of Victor Burgin: ‘A tableau is an image that captures, in a single visual statement, the essence of an event which would otherwise take many words to describe.’ Advertising often underestimates its audience, but to us, it was important to give viewers room for their own interpretations. Sure, some scenes might make you think, ‘What’s this about?’ – but that’s precisely the point. It’s about leaving people with a sense that the Vanquish is something truly special, something you can’t quite put into words,” says Marco Lemcke, Creative Director Art at Anomaly Berlin.

CLIENT: Aston Martin Lagonda
Head of Brand Marketing Simon Humphris
Marketing Manager Brand & Campaigns Greg Burch
Marketing Planning & Creative Consultant Ahmed Makky

AGENCY: Anomaly Berlin
CEO Simon Owen
Executive Creative Director Sebastian Lyman
Group Creative Director Henrik Edelbring
Creative Director Marco Lemcke
Senior Art Director Lina Rode
Senior Copywriter Fabiot von Falkenhayn
Senior Art Director (Stills) Christoph Stender
Art Director Niclas Moos
Design Director Rudy Melo

Head of Strategy Anneliese Rapp
Senior Communications Strategist Alex Araque
Senior Brand Strategist Alexandre Janneau

Business Director Elizabeth Asselin
Senior Account Manager Louise Bolzinger
Project Manager Vilma Lingslunde
European Business Affairs Director Mischa Hayter
Business Affairs Manager Vera Kacijeva

European Head of Production Michael MacMillan
Senior Integrated Producer Grace Farson
Senior Integrated Producer Katrin Kaiser
Integrated Producer Èric Kim Garcia
Production Assistant Flora Saleh

CEO Walandi Apoussidis
Executive Producer Adrià Paituví
Senior Producer Ana Schnell
Production Coordinator Aleks Aleksic

Director Felix Aaron
DOP Konstantin Mazov
1st AC Vania Ivanova
Grip Vihar Nikolov
Gaffer Petar Todorov
1st AD Ivan Mitov

Photographer Steve Harries
Photo Assistant Rhys Thorpe
Photo Assistant Guy Isherwood
Digital Operator Thomas Skinner
Photo Assistant Nencho Balkanski

Production Designer Tom Schneider
Art Director Kistian Lekov

Costume Designer Olivia Ballard
Assistant Stylist Robert Christan Wimmeroth

Hair Stylist Adiam Habtezion
Assistant Hair Stylist Isabel Simoneth

Talent Alanna
Casting Director Roxane Dia

U-Crane Crew Hamid Eighoul
U-Crane Crew Norwin Richter

Service Production B2Y Productions
Service Producer Kristing Arakchieva
Local Service Production Coordinator Rodein Faraj

Post Production

Editor Martin Malnoë
Colorist Julien Alary, Imri Agmon

VFX Studio MIRAGE Virtual Art Department GmbH
Co-Founder & Managing Director / VFX Supervisor Frank Hinrichs
Co-Founder & Managing Director / Art Director André Hasenöhrl
VFX Executive Producer Felix Schūtze
3D Artists Lucas Weyh, Sebastian Knüppel, Ilia Berg, Linh Mai, Daniel Büttner, Maria Gysi, and Ilya Lindberg
Compositing Artists Philipp Fehling, Daniel Basle, Rudi Hensel, and Sylvi Rößler
Rotoscoping & Matchmove VFX Pick

Retouching IMGN
Director of Post Production Giles Watson

Composer + Sound Engineer Studio Teiwas
VO Talent Chris
Director     Felix Aaron
DOP     Konstantin Mazov
Production     WA Productions
Advertising Agency     Anomaly Berlin
Creative Director     Marco Lemcke, Henrik Edelbring (Group CD), Sebastian Lyman (Exec. CD)
Art Director     Lina Rode (Senior AD), Christoph Stender (Senior AD Stills), Niclas Moos
Photographer     Steve Harries c/o Webber Represents