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06.05.2022  •  Advertising NEWS


HUMANIC is celebrating 150 years – the ‘Shoe Love’ campaign by Bazzoka Creative with hairstyling by Daniel Strasser c/o MAKING OF on GoSee

MAKING OF was in charge of hairstyling for a visual trip through time for the latest HUMANIC campaign, Austria’s famous fashion brand and retail chain. From the trends back in the year of founding, 1870, to the sixties, 70s, 80s and 90s of the next century, it features the hippest looks of each individual period. Bazzoka Creative was in charge of creation, and photos were shot by Frith Hauswirth.

“We’re gonna celebrate till our feet start to dance on their own!” Fashion, revolution, service, trend and self-expression – that’s what it means to love shoes, a love for shoes that has already lasted for 150 years at HUMANIC, with all their facets, attitude, being number one, zeitgeist: FRANZ! Came to stay, stayed to party…”

It was above all in the 1970s and 1980s that HUMANIC gained a lot of attention through advertising concepts which had little or nothing to do with the products. They were compressed pieces of avant-garde artwork. Such as the striking exclamation ‘Franz!’ at the end of the spots, which was used for the first time in 1971. In 2021, the Franz character was brought back to life and combined with content from pop culture. FRANZ stands for the core being of HUMANIC: for heritage, attitude, humor and the unrelenting enthusiasm to reinvent oneself over and over again. To set trends, instead of following them.
Advertising Agency     Bazzoka Creative
Hair     Daniel Strasser
Make-up     Eva Hauswirth
Photographer     Fritz Hauswirth

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years

  HUMANIC – celebrating 150 years


Making Of sind die Menschen hinter den Kulissen Ihrer Film-, Foto-, oder Werbeproduktion. Wir vermitteln Hair and Make Up Artisten, sowie Stylisten und Kostümdesigner, die ihr Produkt ins rechte Licht rücken. Zudem bieten wir ihnen auch die komplette Umsetzung ihrer Kampagne. Wir liefern von der ersten Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt, egal ob Foto, Film, Katalog oder Promotionoutfit, alles aus einer Hand.

Hinter Making Of steht Martina Cerny – gebürtige Münchnerin, lebt und arbeitet seit 31 Jahren in Wien. Nach der Modeschule Hetzendorf begann sie ihre Karriere als Modedesignerin, gründete das Label Beagle & Susu und arbeitet als freiberufliche Stylistin und Kostümbildnerin. 1999 gründete sie die erfolgreiche Agentur Making Of für Hair, Make Up, Styling and Production. Sie arbeitet weiterhin als Stylistin und bildet die Stylisten von morgen aus.