24.08.2022  •  Advertising NEWS


OTTOMILA EYEWEAR – designed in New York, handmade in Italy – with a new eyewear collection, photographed by Caitlin MITCHELL c/o ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT

Caitlin MITCHELL c/o ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT photographed the new collection for OTTOMILA EYEWEAR. Find out more via @caitlinmstudio and www.8000eyewear.com.
Photographer     Caitlin MITCHELL c/o Alyssa Pizer Management

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell

ALYSSA PIZER MANAGEMENT: Ottomila Eyewear By Caitlin Mitchell


Alyssa Pizer Management is a boutique photography agency representing photographers specializing in fashion, lifestlyle, kids, sports, travel, still life and lifestyle photographers. I went to college at UCLA, where I majored in Communications and minored in Economics. I have always loved fashion. I worked at Contempo Casuals (remember them?), which led to winning “Best Dressed” in high school. I suppose that was more of a sign of things to come than that Econ minor.

After college, I sold piece goods downtown in the garment district for seven years. Then, I started looking for a change. A good friend of mine, Donna Scoggins, who was a model and actress at the time, introduced me to my first photographer, Scott Orazem. From there, I started to take on more photographers and – voila! – here I am today. I have developed my niche market of fashion, beauty, and lifestyle photographers. In addition to seeking out only the most talented photographers, I also try to only represent the nice ones. I currently live in Los Angeles with the love of my life, my daughter Sydney (and my husband, too).