16.05.2023  •  Advertising NEWS


Schiller’s album EPIC - A trip into the epic world of inner cinema with cover artwork by Dirk RUDOLPH c/o UPFRONT

What does it sound like when electronic soundscapes meet orchestral arrangements? German pop and ambient artist Schiller and the orchestra of the famous Synchron Stage Vienna let two musical worlds melt into one. Hear the result on EPIC, Schiller’s album for which Dirk RUDOLPH c/o UPFRONT designed the artwork.

GoSee upfront.de
Client     Schiller
Usage     "EPIC" Album Artwork
Designer     Dirk Rudolph c/o Upfront Photo & Film GmbH

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller

UPFRONT PHOTO & FILM GMBH: Dirk Rudolph for Schiller


Ever since its founding in 1998 by Frank Küppers, UPFRONT has lived out photography all the way - as agents and one-stop production house. Which means: we know the industry, we know the artists, we know where and how they match.

This adds up to: Better deals, better results. For everybody.

UPFRONT is proud to have developed a roster of unique talent over the years. We all love a good commission, but it’s really more than that: Artist management means supporting individual and sustainable growth. A wide creative range and a positive, personal work environment is what we get out of it.

What you get out of it? Amazing photos. Captivating films. Without the hassle. Across all media, agile and fresh. By a truly passionate and down-to-earth team, dedicated to full transparency. Team spirit and a respectful treatment of everybody involved are the basis of every project we approach.
