04.07.2024  •  Advertising NEWS


VICTORIO & LUCCHINO PERFUMES campaign by Photographer and DOP Maciek MILOCH c/o STILLSTARS



Victorio & Lucchino Parfums were beautifully presented by photographer & DOP Maciek Miloch with exquisite floral stying by CosmosPlantea, skillful production by Shootme and expert edition by Krzysztof Fischer.

DOP: Maciek Miloch c/o STILLSTARS
Production: Shootme
Set Design: Cosmos Plantea
Photographer: Maciek Miloch c/o STILLSTARS

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VICTORIO & LUCCHINO PERFUMES has garnered international success creating elegant fragrances from its base in Spain for more than 25 years by combining the very best of two worlds: a wealth of inspiration from nature and the art of perfumery.

Still life expert and DOP Maciek MILOCH c/o STILLSTARS staged the latest collection. The Aguas Esenciales by VICTORIO & LUCCHINO are fresh and light fragrances that have the power to transform our mood, wrapping us in a unique sensation of comfort. The floral styling was in the hands of Cosmos Plantea in a production by Shootme.
DOP     Maciek Miloch c/o STILLSTARS
Production     Shootme
Set Design     Cosmos Plantea
Photographer     Maciek Miloch c/o STILLSTARS

STILLSTARS is a pure still life agency with a carefully chosen portfolio of top still life photographers & stylists. We offer a wide range of stilllife photographical expressions to international clients. There is a STILLSTARS photographer for every kind of job.

Our clients are out of every branch like : beauty, fashion & accessories, jewellery, interior, food, tablewear, liquids, technique, architecture & landscapes up to automotive and industry. Each photographer represented by STILLSTARS has his own visual creative expression combined with technical perfection. The shootings of our clients are handled with utmost care. It is always a collaboration between clients expectations and creative visions of the photographer and his team. STILLSTARS is a full representation service for still life photographers in terms of marketing activities, client acquisitions, production handling, contract service, budgeting and invoicehandling. With STILLSTARS PRODUCTION we care about all aspects of shooting handling including, organization, castings of locations/models, team artbuying as well as schedule and budget controlling. Always in focus that the production runs smoothly for all team members.

GoSee : stillstars.com