L’OFFICIEL is the incarnation of French style. Ever since it was founded in 1921, the brand has had its place in the heart of the luxury and fashion universe. In 2021, L’OFFICIEL is a platform on which luxury, fashion, jewelry, beauty, art & culture can constantly reinvent and stage themselves. Since 2018, L’OFFICIEL has also been published in Austria as a print edition, on the web at lofficiel.at, on Facebook and Instagram.
The editorial presented here was photographed by Ramona Reuter for the L’OFFICIEL Group. It was produced by WINTELER PRODUKTION. The assignment covered the selection of the creative team, model booking as well as concept execution. See the complete spread on the WINTELER PRODUKTION website. GoSee : winteler-production.com///lofficiel-austria-5-de
PHOTOGRAPHER Rare Imaging by Ramona Reuter
STYLING Alexandra Dietl
PRODUCTION Winteler Production
* Yusra – The Arabian first name means fortune, wealth, prosperity, lightness, well-being and balance.
Production Winteler Production
Styling Alexandra Dietl / Alexandra Dietl
Model Yusra
Photographer Rare Imaging by Ramona Reuter