23.05.2024  •  Art NEWS


‘New Realities. Stories of Art, AI & Work’ - the Museum of Communication in Berlin dedicates a curated exhibition to photorealistic AI images

Artificial Intelligence is a burning issue with many implications for society. Yet, the creative power of AI with regard to expression in both spoken and written words as well as images does not seem to be limited in hardly any way – raising, of course, more questions than it provides answers.

With the cabinet exhibition ‘New Realities. Stories of Art, AI & Work’, the Museum of Communication in Berlin presents a carefully curated exhibition of photorealistic AI images from 26 April through 15 September 2024. While shedding light on (collaborative) work between humans and AI, it also addresses the value of digital labor and the new working conditions of data workers, known as annotators, the very people behind AI. Visitors are immersed in a world full of stories about a ‘workplace’ realistically recreated in the real exhibition space by curators Dr. Annabelle Hornung, Maren Burghard, and Stephanie Müller following a suggestion from an AI.

AI doesn’t dream of you’ … The content and objects – from sticky notes and posters on the walls, photos and postcards on the desk, to listening stations – are the result of a creative 'collaboration’ with AI. It becomes evident that AI’s portrayal of reality is not always unproblematic and the consequences it brings with it are complex.

“We were confronted again and again with extremely stereotyping visual representations – and with the question: Although we convey a sense of bias and injustice through generative AI, what are the limits to what can be shown?” says Maren Burghard.

Duration: Fri 26 April 2024 through Sun 15 September 2024
Museum of Communication
Artist     Key Visual © KI-generiert; Idee/Prompt/Bearbeitung: Maren Burghard

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

"New Realities: Stories of Art, AI & Work" (26. April - 15. September 2024), Museum für Kommunikation Berlin