Victoria and Paulina Swarovski share a passion for fashion. BUNTE QUARTERLY styled the two sisters in the beautiful trends of the new season. SACHA TASSILO HOECHSTETTER stood behind the camera as photographer, and Oliver Rauh was in charge of styling.
Victoria Swarovski is a successful influencer and the presenter of Let’s Dance. In 2021, she founded her first company with cosmetics brand ORIMEI by Victoria Swarovski. Her sister, five years younger, is studying Interior Design in London.
Inspired by Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, BUNTE Quarterly invites celebrities to engage in a conversation, has them staged by top photographers and tells their stories.
Client Quarterly / Bunte magazine
Production Anke Koppe
Post Production RETUSH Creative Retouching
Styling Oliver RAUH c/o Louisa Artists & samir Abousuede
Hair & Make-up Rada Jurkovic
Celebrity Victoria Swarovski & Paulina Swarovski
Photographer sacha tassio hoechstetter
Sacha Tassilo Höchstetter - photography&film - 1972 born in Munich, Germany.
92 University - entrance diploma, Wasserburg am Inn
93 study of psychology Munich
95 study of english, London
96 move to Berlin, starts as a photo assistent at: Stefan Geiser and Frank Wöllfing-Seelig
97 move to Sao Paulo, photo assistent at:
97 Andreas Heiniger, publicity photographer and film-maker
98 Marcio Rebelo, stillife photographer and artist
99 Paulo Fridman photojournalist
00 Reinaldo Coser, people and fashion photographer
2003 starts his own studio in Sao Paulo
2004 works and lives in Sao Paulo and Munich as a photographer
2012 starts making fashionvideos
for more information please look up in my BIOGRAPHY on my webpage: