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08.09.2021  •  Celebrity NEWS


Painter Leon Löwentraut in the cover story of NZZ Magazin am Sonntag – portrayed by Frederike WETZELS c/o COSMOPOLA

“Leon Löwentraut, 23, polarizes the art world. Is his art the work of a genius or simply kitsch?" NZZ writes at the end of August 2021. The young and successful painter, considered a wunderkind by many, was portrayed for the cover story in NZZ Magazin am Sonntag by Frederike WETZELS c/o COSMOPOLA. Leon Löwentraut, who already started his career at the age of seven, lives and works in Düsseldorf. GoSee : &

Featuring: GoSee EDITORIAL
Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT

Coverstory NZZ am Sonntag LEON LÖWENTRAUT