27.07.2022  •  Celebrity NEWS


PAWEL FABJANSKI photographs soccer player and 4F brand ambassador Robert Lewandowski for the limited 4F × RL9 clothing collection

The combination of sport and everyday life is one of the main sources of inspiration for the new 4F × RL9 clothing collection designed by the Polish brand 4F and their brand ambassador Robert Lewandowski together with Monika Czesak, Creative Director of OTCF. PAWEL FABJANSKI photographed the campaign, which was presented at a press conference in Warsaw at the end of May.

“The interpenetration of sport and everyday life is one of the main sources of inspiration for the new 4F × RL9 clothing collection created in cooperation with the 4F brand and its ambassador, Robert Lewandowski. The first model of the 4F × RL9 shoes was launched in early May. The limited series sold out in just a few hours. Each of the first 200 pairs was accompanied by an autograph of Robert Lewandowski. On 16 May, a regular model of shoes, available in white and black, went on sale,” says Pawel.

“Why did I decide to work with 4F? It wasn’t just because it’s a Polish brand. What’s important is that this brand is growing dynamically. I learned about their ambitious plans, what they want to do, which direction they want to go. And it made me ‘feel it’. I wanted to be sure that we were going in the same direction. That’s what has always been and still is most important,” Robert shared during the press conference.

We present you the photos here on GoSee, and get a glimpse behind the scenes of the photo shoot on YouTube.
Production     stor9
Creative Director     Monika Czesak
Producer     Agnieszka Zielińska, Olek Kmiecik
Styling     Robert Kiełb
Hair & Make-up     Julia Koop
Celebrity     Rober Lewandowski
Location     Goldberg Studio
Set Design     Robert Wojtyś
Photographer     PAWEL FABJANSKI
equipment     Haedler Haedler Rental
designer     Małgosia Kurek
production assi     Kasia Danioł

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.

  Robert Lewandowski in 4F campaign.


PAWEL FABJANSKI, a commercial photographer based in Warsaw, Poland. His biggest interest is the thin line dividing art from commercialism – that’s what his photos are about. He creates pieces of art where both – aesthetics and concept – are equally valued features. Apart from being a commercial photographer, Fabjański is also a lecturer at Polish National Film School in Lodz.

Pawel Fabjanski is represented by three international photo agencies: ShootMe (Poland), Take Production (Italy) and Pink Productions (Czech Republic). He received awards in KTR contest (Club of Advertisement Creators Poland) and Silver Lion granted at annual advertising festival in Cannes. His photos were presented in "200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide" albums published by Luerzer's Archive. He was also recognized by the GoSee Editorial Award jury and listed among the top 20 Screenings 2012 Finalists.