29.04.2021  •  Events NEWS


‘Abolish Section 219a’ – a plea for more freedom of information : Grey Germany joins forces with TERRE DES FEMMES, supported by achtung!; we have the long-overdue campaign ‘Abolish Section 219a’ for you on GoSee.NEWS


TERRE DES FEMMES Menschenrechte für die Frau

Director: Sergej Moya
DOP: Jakob Flanderka
Production: Tempomedia Filmproduktion
Creative Director: Willy Kaussen, Kerstin Correll (Exec CD), Christoph Stricker (Exec CD)
Art Director: Navid Shahabi, Malte Heines (Junior AD)
Producer: Marion Dopfer
Copywriter: Magdalena Keller
Post Production: Deli Pictures Berlin / Hamburg
Sound Design: German Wahnsinn
Casting: Peti Misaila, Julia Moya
EXEC PRODUCER: Uli Jason Ulbrich
STRAT. CONSULT.: makers & breakers / Katja Garff

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Section 219a of the German criminal code (StGB) literally prohibits “Advertising for the termination of pregnancy”. But the section is not only limited to advertising but also includes information of any kind. In concrete terms : Doctors are only permitted to publicly announce that they perform abortions. They are not, however, permitted to provide procedural information to the public. Otherwise, they make themselves liable to prosecution. If convicted, they face a prison sentence of up to two years or have to pay a fine.

For this reason, TERRE DES FEMMES has launched the campaign ‘Abolish Section 219a’ in order to make a significant contribution to education on abortion. The unambiguous goal : Section 219a has to be removed from the German criminal code.

“The freedom of women for us goes hand in hand with their freedom of choice with regard to terminating a pregnancy. With this campaign, we not only want Section 219a to be repealed, we also want all women to have access to competent professional information on abortion,” says Christa Stolle, Executive Director and board member of TERRE DES FEMMES.

The heart of the campaign is the website streicht219a.jetzt, on which TERRES DES FEMMES has been collecting and publishing all relevant information since 20 April on the topic of abortion, which doctors are not permitted to make publicly available according to existing legislation.

Information is available for download in different formats on the website so that anyone can distribute it to the women affected and other interested parties, e.g. through social media channels. It contains emotional radio ads and viral films in which non-experts, such as Berlin restaurateur Billy Wagner (Nobelhart & Schmutzig), presenter Melissa Khalaj (currently The Voice Kids), actor Max Koch (Helen Dorn), or automotive mechatronics engineer Patrick Schirmer, share valuable information on abortion in support of the campaign to show how insane and misogynistic Section 219a is. These spots highlight the absurdity that any non-professional is allowed to share information, while many doctors cannot.

The idea and creative realization of the campaign and its components came from Grey Hamburg. The campaign mechanics were developed, and the campaign appeal was spread through PR and social media influencers in cooperation with the agencies achtung! and achtung!Alive.

The spots were produced by Tempomedia Filmproduktion under the direction of Sergej Moya, and post was taken care of by Deli Pictures. The campaign kicked off with the broadcast of the radio ad. The radio ads are built around the same creative vision as the films and have already won Silver at this year’s Radio Advertising Awards. They were produced by German Wahnsinn.

Kerstin Correll (ECD Grey Hamburg) illustrates why such a comprehensive and engaging campaign has evolved from a first creative vision : “It is absolutely absurd that access to expert information is still made more difficult because of completely outdated legislation from the darkest period of our nation. TERRE DES FEMMES wants to actively contribute to the abolition of Section 219a and provide access to information. Which is why our campaign cannot be satisfied with a mere appeal. Each individual campaign component is driven by a unambiguous call to action. Anyone, and I mean anyone, should be able to join in so that this creative campaign can become a real movement.” Precisely this call to action is already being effectively communicated with the support of our partner achtung!, through engaging PR measures and the activation of influencers.

General practitioner Kristina Hänel is among the campaign’s prominent supporters. The 64-year-old has been affected personally by the section’s severe consequences : She was convicted, despite an appeal to the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court, for providing information on abortion procedures on her website. Shortly afterward, she submitted an appeal on constitutional grounds, and the case is now pending before the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

Kristina Hänel is conducting her court battle with an appeal to the public : “I believe that it is important that everyone has the opportunity to provide information and education on abortion. Women thinking about the matter often find themselves in an emotional emergency. Access to reliable information would be of great importance to them.”

All background information, the latest campaign material (also for download) for social ambassadors, as well as the links to the films and radio ads are available online. GoSee : streicht219a.jetzt

About – TERRE DES FEMMES, Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. is a non-profit human rights organization which advocates an equal and self-determined life in liberty for girls and women worldwide. Through effective publicity, publications, events, campaigns, and lobby work, TERRE DES FEMMES raises public and political awareness of gender-based violence and discrimination. TERRE DES FEMMES was founded in 1981 and is funded through donations, member fees and grants. Its federal office is located in Berlin. GoSee : frauenrechte.de
Director     Sergej Moya
DOP     Jakob Flanderka
Production     Tempomedia Filmproduktion
Creative Director     Willy Kaussen, Kerstin Correll (Exec CD), Christoph Stricker (Exec CD)
Art Director     Navid Shahabi, Malte Heines (Junior AD)
Producer     Marion Dopfer
Copywriter     Magdalena Keller
Post Production     Deli Pictures Berlin / Hamburg
Sound Design     German Wahnsinn
Casting     Peti Misaila, Julia Moya
EXEC PRODUCER     Uli Jason Ulbrich
STRAT. CONSULT.     makers & breakers / Katja Garff