05.11.2024  •  Events NEWS


“School of Taste - Veggie” - photographer Hubertus SCHÜLER c/o KRISTINA KORB has just been awarded a gold medal for his food photography at the GAD awards ceremony

Gold Medal for Hubertus Schüler at the GAD Award Ceremony during the Frankfurt Book Fair! The food photographer received gold for his work on the book ‘School of Taste – Veggie’ by Tobias Henrichs.

“A book full of aromas! Hubertus Schüler truly enjoyed bringing the recipes and spices to life. He is thrilled to have received the award – the cherry on top, so to speak!” Kristina Korb, founder & agent.

Conclusion of the jury: “The book stands out with its well-organized structure, clarity, and appealing visual presentation. The chapters are both technically solid and thoughtfully developed. In particular, the use of color enhances readability and understanding. The aroma section in the first third provides a strong foundation, while the recipes in the second part are both inspiring and creative. A highlight is the design, with its sophisticated blue tone and cohesive graphics. A comprehensive work for culinary enthusiasts.”

The non-profit Gastronomische Akademie Deutschlands e.V. (GAD) has been organizing culinary-literary competitions since 1960 (annually since 1971). Over the past years, more than 5,000 German-language books have been submitted by European publishers for evaluation. The GAD culinary-literary competition is one of the most prestigious cookbook competitions in the industry.

‘School of Taste Veggie: My Little School of Aromas in 50 Simple Vegetarian Recipes’
Publisher: Becker Joest Volk Verlag, Hilden (DE)
Author: Tobias Henrichs
Photography / Illustration: Hubertus Schüler
Published: 2023
Award: Gold Medal (2024)
Photographer     Hubertus Schüler c/o KRISTINA KORB

Featuring: +1
KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung

  KRISTINA KORB GMBH - Hubertus Schüler - School of Taste Veggie - Tobias Henrichs - GAD Verleihung


Kristina Korb GmbH - representing premier photography talent in the commercial & fashion industries, we deliver proven strategies for client service and producing the appropriate projects. With 20 years of experience in the photography and film field, we take pride in our superior quality of service, select the appropriate talent and design the winning solution to meet the clients’ needs. Our approach ensures that both client and artist have a mutually beneficial engagement and that all parties have satisfied their business objectives.

Creative Pool Kristina Korb GmbH also provides a comprehensive talent pool of creative professionals, including freelancers, stylists, set designers and directors, each offering a unique and exceptional approach to the photographic arts.

Photography Support Kristina Korb GmbH not only represents amazing talents, but also offers a wide range of consulting services around the visual production business. Independent and neutral Kristina Korb GmbH offers full production services also for extern artists. We also support freelance photographers with their calculation and organisation process for productions all over the world.

Photographers Support Kristina Korb GmbH offers full Production services also for extern artists. Our support for freelance photographers with their calculation and organisation process all over the world is always independent an neutral.

GoSee : kristinakorb.com