02.09.2024  •  Events NEWS


EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents the Media Weekend for Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo themed upon ‘World.Natural.Heritage’ and brings together photographers for exciting artist talks

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo is still on through 13 October 2024, themed upon ‘World.Natural Heritage’. On display in a giant open-air gallery spanning a length of seven kilometers are around 1,500 images spread across 32 exhibitions in the historical center and in the parks, gardens and squares of the city of Baden bei Vienna.

Invited to an unparalleled photo summit in late August were 36 photographers from 16 countries as well as 91 journalists – to celebrate the 185th birthday of photography with keynotes and workshops while discussing the state of our environment.

“We will probably never have such a world-class lineup like this again – at least not in my lifetime,” Festival Director Lois Lammerhuber excitedly sums up the Media Weekend in a nutshell. Inspiring photos from all corners of the globe have come together in Baden and turned the ‘Long Night of Photography’ and the Media Walk through the exhibitions of the festival into a one-of-a-kind experience.

Yasuyoshi Chiba was flown in from Jakarta, Beth Moon from San Francisco, Nazli Abbaspour from Teheran, Cassio Vasconcellos and Lucas Lenci from Sao Paulo, Brent Stirton and George Steinmetz from Los Angeles, Alain Schroeder from New York, as well as Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet from Manila.

91 journalists were in attendance from Stern to NZZ, Figaro and GEO, from ORF Fernsehen to Der Standard or even Ö1 Morgenjournal. Joining them were museum directors such as Vaclav Macek from Bratislava or Michael Jung from Hans Hass Archive in Merzig-Weiler or Andréa Holzherr as a representative of the photo agency Magnum in Paris. La Gacilly was represented by Eric Vaucelle, and Stefan Szirucsek was there on behalf of the city of Baden.

As part of the ‘Long Night of Photography’, Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet made an unsettling plea for the rescue of our oceans at Cinema Paradiso, which was filled to the last seat. Living in Baden, the couple of film documentary producers, Anita and Richard Ladkani, reported on the battle of the indigenous population against around 20,000 illegal floating gold mining operations that are extracting one gram of gold per hour from one hectare of the Amazon riverbed using highly toxic mercury.

The third topic of the evening was dedicated to the ME/CFS illness, caused by infections with certain viruses, that affects more than 80,000 people in Austria, against which doctors and the public are still helpless. The We&Me Foundation by Gabriele and Gerhard Ströck is trying to inform the public and urge politicians to move faster. To which a photo project initiated in collaboration with the festival – designed by Brent Stirton and Rudi Anschober, who was health minister during the pandemic in 2020/2021 – would like to contribute.

The Thomas Jorda Award, given to young literary figures from Lower Austria each year by the chief editors of NÖN in memory of Thomas Jorda, the founding member of the festival, went to Elisabeth Steinkellner this year.

Likewise celebrated during the ‘Long Night of Photography’ was the award ceremony at which Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet received the Hans Hass Award. Recognized for his life work with the Lammerhuber Award, donated by Silvia and Lois Lammerhuber, was British photographer Martin Parr. “We experienced stunning moments, hours even, with wonderful people and their incredible life achievements,” says Gisela Kayser, former Artistic Director of Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin.

On the Media Weekend, around 200 photographers, journalists and sponsors participated in an eight-hour tour of all exhibitions.

Attending the artist talks were Markus Eisl, Luigi Caputo, Martin Parr, Christian Schörg, Ina Künne, Pulitzer winner David Turnley, as well as Cassio Vasconcellos and Pascal Maitre. Sascha Goldberger was represented by meteorite researcher Christian Köberl. Speaking for Sebastião Salgado was Cyril Drouhe, the Director of Reportage and Photography at Le Figaro Magazine. And on behalf of Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet, Seacam founder Harald Hordosch and his daughter spoke, whose company in Voitsberg produces the best underwater camera housings in the world. Brent Stirton described the dangerous developments in Brazil’s Pantanal region together with scientist Pia Parolin. In touching words, Alain Schröder described the world of Indonesian orangutans, which is still threatened with extinction. Beth Moon talked about the magical giant trees, and the day was bought to an end by Australian Vee Speers.

A visit by German Minister Eleonore Gewessler and Vice-Mayor Helga Krismer rounded off the day, which was filmed for hours by ORF Lower Austria.

Brigitte and Rainer Henniges from dasfotoportal.de: “Three wonderful, exciting and fascinating days. We enjoyed every minute and will certainly never forget the manifold impressions: Exhibitions and a platform to communicate photography that it is hard to imagine could ever be better. We are glad to be part of this photography family and hope to find the right words to honor the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo befittingly in our article.”
Photographer     Lois Lammerhuber

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024

EDITION LAMMERHUBER presents Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo - Mediadays 2024



Dear fans of beautiful and sophisticated books,

“An extraordinary publisher, dedicated to little known themes, who presents them with courage and high quality, without descending into stereotypes.” This is how the jury of the FEP European Book Prize of the Year Awards argued their choice of Edition Lammerhuber for Best Publisher 2017, an accolade also awarded to the publisher from Baden bei Wien in the preceding competitions in 2013 and 2015 of this biennial event.

Present on the book market for more than seven years, with a steadily growing programme, we have worked our way to the top – internationally. Your are best at what you love doing. And we love books, we love photography. The photobook is the ideal medium to combine these loves. Photography documents the world in a very particular way and shapes human memory like no other medium does. Our ambition is twofold: We want to publish books with fascinating themes from art and science, with excellent photography, sophisticated texts and brilliant authors, but, most of all, we want to make books that have something to say, books that transport important themes into the heart of society. For us, a book charged with emotional photography is a point of reference for communication that reverberates far beyond the number of sold copies. We believe that we can  make a real impact with a book. For us, a book is not just a commodity but an incomparable cultural technique.

Edition Lammerhuber wants to be the publisher for writer-photographers, for whom seeing is a vocation and whose ways of seeing the world is a process of insights. A process they are capable of transforming into the immediacy of a photograph, a creative act, initiated and completed within seconds or split seconds. As in the motto of Hungarian photographic artist László Moholy-Nagy, who declared, “Photography is there to make the visible visible.” Edition Lammerhuber strives to be home to the best ‘cyclops’ of our time, legends and new talents alike.  

And how does an Edition Lammerhuber book come about? The theme must be important to us, the photography captivate us, there must be something special, magical, in the pictures. Once a decision has been made to publish, the photographer visits us at our publishing house. We go through the photographic material, determine the format of the book, think about a setting to suit the theme. This is when the almost magical process of designing and layouting starts. It usually takes about a week for the concept to be completed to the point where the work of everyone involved can be browsed on-screen, then it passes on to the next steps in the production.

Our declared aim is to approach a perfect book through a passionate creative process. Craft aspects are an essential part of it and of our publishing philosophy. All production steps up to the printing are done in our house. Our own experts produce the prepress. We really care about the reproduction quality of the photographs, the feel of the printed papers and the quality of the binding. We check every single printing form.

So it is hardly surprising that some reviewers call the books of Edition Lammerhuber pieces of art emanating from a ‘book chamber of marvels’ and that nearly all titles gather awards, including those of the Art Directors Club New York, the Deutsche Fotobuchpreis, the Pictures of the Year International (POYI) Awards, USA, the Visa d’or, France, the FEP European Book Prize of the Year Awards or the World Press Photo. Today our books are available in more than 170 countries, usually published in two, sometimes three, languages.

Exceptional photography is not only found in the books of Edition Lammerhuber but also in a photo competition jointly initiated in Vienna in 2013 by Edition Lammerhuber and the Photographische Gesellschaft. Under the general heading What Does Peace Look Like? , the Alfred Fried Photography Award, worth 10 000 euros, chooses the peace image of the year. Participation in the award has exploded in recent years, confirming the status of photography as a medium for transporting essential socio-political themes. From 2017, a separate competition for the peace image of the year is open to children up to the age of 14.

At the biennial LUMIX Festival in Hannover, the Lammerhuber Photography Award for young photo journalists is presented, with a prize money of 5000 euros. Photography and the photobook are an essential, defining, medium for society and for our publishing house. This is why we believe it is important to encourage young photographic talent.

We would be honoured to see our books available from your bookshops and libraries.

Silvia Lammerhuber and Lois Lammerhuber

GoSee : edition.lammerhuber.at