28.09.2022  •  Film NEWS


ANALOG / DIGITAL Production Time! Ireland goes green with REPAK – commercial with animations & post by TELEVISOR for The Brill Building on GoSee


Repak by Televisor c/o Analog/Digital

Production time! Ireland go green with REPAK🧑🏼‍🎤 Our latest production for Repak! Client: Repak Agency: The Brill Building ECD: Roisin Keown Production: analogdigital.tv Executive producer: Tomasz Kosinski Director: Mieszko Wiśniewski Postproduction: TELEVISOR Sound: Dean Alexander Jones

Director: Mieszko Wiśniewski
Client: Repak
Production: ANALOG / DIGITAL
Advertising Agency: The Brill Building
Producer: Tomasz Kosinski
Post Production: Televisor c/o ANALOG / DIGITAL
Sound Design: Dean Alexander Jones

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ANALOG / DIGITAL produced the eye-catching commercial ‘Team Green’ for REPAK. On commission for the Irish agency The Brill Building (ECD: Roisin Keown), it was realized by Executive Producer Tomasz Kosinski, Director & Motion Designer Mieszko Wiśniewski (TELEVISOR) and Sound Designer Dean Alexander Jones. Post production (incl. textures, motion, lighting, colors…) was in the hands of TELEVISOR c/o ANALOG / DIGITAL.

By the year 2025, the EU member states are obligated to recycle 65 percent of their packaging waste and at least 50 percent of plastic waste. Repak was founded in 1997 to help member businesses meet their legal obligation to recycle the packaging they place on the Irish market. It is REPAK’s goal to make Ireland a primary leader in Europe in terms of packaging recycling by 2025: Re-imagine a greener Ireland today.

Televisor offers an entire spectrum of skills in the areas of animation and computer graphics – 2D, 3D, VFX. What sets them apart is an excellent team of motion design specialists. Their R&D department writes custom tools, programs and plugins, and also creates games and applications from time to time. From advertising to music videos or film intros – their passion lies in adding new layers to enrich visual impressions for their clients and help them to create iconic visuals that are both powerful and recognizable.

Director     Mieszko Wiśniewski
Client     Repak
Production     ANALOG / DIGITAL
Advertising Agency     The Brill Building
Producer     Tomasz Kosinski
Post Production     Televisor c/o ANALOG / DIGITAL
Sound Design     Dean Alexander Jones

Experience & multidisciplinary approach.
From the get-go we set out to create a production company that’s a bit different. Where no one medium is more important than the next. We’re a bit like that “slash” in our name – a bit hybrid if you will. Mixed-media experience and expertise is the core of Analog/Digital.  We’re always on the look-out for what’s next too. 

Repak by Televisor c/o Analog/Digital

  Repak by Televisor c/o Analog/Digital