19.12.2023  •  Photographers NEWS


‘Secret to Confidence’ – PER APPELGREN photographs Dutch YouTube star Selma Omari for the cover spread in COSMOPOLITAN NL December ‘23

PER APPELGREN photographed the December cover for COSMOPOLITAN Netherlands with Dutch influencer and YouTube star Selma Omari.

Born 1994 in Morocco, Selma is a singer, YouTube personality and musician from the Netherlands. She launched her own fashion and lifestyle channel on YouTube, which she uses, for instance, to broadcast films about her life as a Muslim woman. She began producing films for her YouTube channel on 26 March, 2016. Meanwhile, she has a whopping three million views to show for and 119,000 subscribers she keeps quite entertained.

The shoot was supported by Creative Director Aixa Sulay as well as stylist Amber Aste, with hair by Sophie Wortelboer, makeup by Jimmy Stam and post production by Colorworkz.

GoSee : perflorianappelgren.de
Creative Director     Aixa Sulay
Post Production     Colorworkz
Styling     Amber Aste
Hair     Sophie Wortelboer c/o House of Orange
Make-up     Jimmy Stam
Celebrity     Selma Omari
Photographer     Per Appelgren c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP

I am a German/Swedish photographer based in Cologne with focus on fashion, editorial, portrait & commercial work. So, if you like what you see on here just say hello and drop me a message. I`d love to work with you!

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari

  PER APPELGREN for Cosmopolitan Netherlands cover editorial with Selma Omari