18.02.2020  •  Photographers NEWS


Portraits & reportagen for ADIDAS x MONOCLE ‘Pulse Boost HD’, WEMPE MAGAZINE and LUFTHANSA MAGAZINE by Constantin MIRBACH c/o NERGER M&O

Portraiture, reportage & authentic advertising – that’s what CONSTANTIN MIRBACH c/o NERGER M&O stands for. He flexed his skills for the ADIDAS x MONOCLE ‘Pulse Boost HD’ campaign (styling: Kira März, production: LuckyJu, assistant: Jana Islinger, talent: Matthias Teuchert).

For WEMPE MAGAZINE Selected by Wempe Winter 19, Constantin realized a reportage about cuff link manufacturer Emil Kraus, and for the cover story in LUFTHANSA MAGAZINE 1/20, he got a glimpse of the start-up scene in the Estonian city of Tartu. At the end of January, business founders and investors from all over the world gathered in Tartu for the perhaps largest convention of the Baltic region. The university town in the east of Estonia quickly developed to become a hotspot of the scene.


NERGER M&O was founded in 1998 by Claudia Nerger. We represent an eclectic group of highly unique, talented and creative photographers in photo and film for international, editorial and commercial work.

NERGER M&O loves to support clients and artists in their working process. We are focused on finding the finest creative ways for our artists, to take every opportunity and chance of new adventures. NERGER publishes magazine 10, created by Gudberg Nerger.