IMAGEREFINERY redefined image size anew for Lufthansa and MECH Berlin. The task was to put up posters all over the exterior façade of the Munich airport, Terminal 2. Measuring 111 x 19 meters, it is not only an extreme panorama wall, but also the largest advertising space in Germany.
Due to architectural restrictions, the viewer can only get within 10 meters of the spectacle. Hence, all the details, which are usually harder to tell apart on large-scale adverts, now became easier to spot and gain a whole new meaning, while being a very unique challenge for production and post.
There was a need for an extremely high degree of detail in the minute development as well as an astronomically high amount of data, as far as the final format was concerned. In the end, the production was done with 20 dpi at 100%. The visual data therefore sported a length of approximately 93,000 pixels. The 253 single strips were stuck onto panes by 8 specialists over the course of three days.
Photographer and GoSee member JENS GÖRLICH had to step onto a lifting platform to capture the six segments of the plane. IMAGEREFINERY added all the pieces together, adjusted the perspectives, composed everything with the background, which also had to be drastically modified and created the perfect light atmosphere – as if the A340-300 would glide along the horizon and towards the sun.
All details on the plane, such as fine seams and writing or even technical details had to be subjected to post-production. For example, the wings in flight are four meters higher than they would be during a parking position on the ground.
MECH Berlin are currently producing another Lufthansa motif – for the very same advertising surface.
MECH also commissioned IMAGEREFINERY with the post-production of the two current motifs for the Lufthansa 'I Love Europe' campaign. Florian Geiss shot the pictures on location in Rome. Lufthansa now caters for 55 destinations all over Europe and always 'for the best price'.
Client Lufthansa
Production Dieter Weber
Advertising Agency Mech, Berlin
Creative Director Thorsten Adenauer
Art Director Catharina Isken
Post Production Imagerefinery
Photographer Jens Görlich
IMAGEREFINERY steht für High-End Postproduction. Komplexes Composing, klare Look-Entwicklung und sensibles Retouching sind unsere Leidenschaft. Zusätzlich erweitern wir mit CGI den fotografischen Spielraum und setzen bei Live-Rendering und Fluid-Simulation auf größtmöglichen Realismus und Flexibilität.
Fotografen, Werbe- und Designagenturen vertrauen uns Ihre Bilder und Ideen an. Wir helfen bei ihrer Entwicklung, finden Wege alles passgenau in Szene zu setzen und sind einfach da – egal ob vor oder während des Shootings mit eigenem Equipment und wenn nötig die ganze Nacht.
Nur so entstehen Bildwelten mit höchstem, kreativen Anspruch, und deshalb ist IMAGEREFINERY der Ort, wo Bilder hin wollen.