20.11.2017  •  Shop NEWS


'How We Cook' - Food blogger book for PRESTEL Publishing by Julia Stelzner with artwork by creative team Nicky WALSH (photo) and foodstylist Max FABER, both artists c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Food photographer Nicky WALSH and foodstylist Max FABER almost became food bloggers for PRESTEL Publishing. The publishing company on the new release by blogger-come-author Julia Stelzner: "Good food is a passion which is inspiring more and more people, not few of whom wish to share their culinary highlights with others – and the best way to do so is with a food blog which in addition to appetizing photos of various delicacies also presents the recipes. In German-speaking countries alone, there are far more than 1000 of these digital cooking studios, which put more joy and diversity onto plates with their ideas." Find more from partners in food  Nicky WALSH and Max FABER here.

Julia Stelzner – How We Cook, the best food blogs and their most delicious recipes . € 24.95 [D] incl. VAT. € 25.70 [A] | CHF 32.50* (* recommended retail price) . Hardcover book, paper bound . ISBN: 978-3-7913-8367-5 .  randomhouse.de/Buch/Wie-wir-kochen/Julia-Stelzner

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG

Nicky Walsh & Max Faber c/o NINA RAUTENBERG