19.09.2023  •  Shop NEWS


‘Tortenclash’ - personal work by foodstylist Katja BAUM c/o STILLSTARS

“In their latest project titled ‘Tortenclash’, aka ‘cake clash’, our foodstylist Katja Baum and Julia Luck collaborated in a creative project while photographer Markus Dominitzki captured the motifs.” STILLSTARS.

GoSee : stillstars.com

Featuring: +1
STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

  STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

  STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

  STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work

  STILLSTARS Katja Baum - Foodstyling Personal Work