Hanna HAMATA c/o lesARTISTS by Josef Stockinger – formerly Hanna Huenlich – is a Munich-based hair & make-up artist known for her skillful versatility in creating just what her clients are looking for. She has a talent for fashioning highly innovative and creative looks with an effortless natural beauty.
Before Hanna began working as a freelance hair & make-up artist for the fashion, commercial and entertainment industries, she graduated from Toni&Guy Hairdressing Academy. She perfected her cutting and coloring skills and focused on color techniques, most notably blonde. She began assisting numerous well-known professional hair & make-up artists, and from then on, it was only a matter of time before Hanna started rapidly compiling her own reputable list of clients.
For three years, Hanna has been leading the hair & make-up department of Germany’s next Topmodel by Heidi Klum. She has had the pleasure of working alongside several well-known photographers such as Rankin, Russell James, Robert Erdmann, Kristian Schuller… just to name a few. The series gave her the opportunity to closely collaborate with photographer Kristian Schuller on numerous extraordinary beauty shoots. The result of which was then published in his book ‘Tales for Oskar’.
The personal work presented here is by photographer Eileen Jordan, with hair & make-up by Hanna HAMATA c/o lesARTISTS by Josef Stockinger.