29.02.2024  •  Transportation NEWS


‘An odyssey through the Miniverse’ - Julia Obermeier, Creative Director at BMW Group Design, presents the BMW MINI design collaboration with Constantin Prozorov - and is looking forward to transportation photographers at her exclusive viewing at UPDATE-24-BERLIN


MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

Creative Director: Julia Obermeier
Post Production: RECOM GmbH & Co. KG
Illustration: Constantin Prozorov

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Julia Obermeier, Creative Director at BMW Group Design, presents us the results of the collaboration with collage artist Constantin Prozorov here on GoSee. He was invited to create a fresh presentation of the new MINI model family by reinterpreting digital image worlds in his unique style. Thanks to the striking image compositions he creates, Constantin has already made a name for himself in the fashion industry and is known for the modern, avant-garde aesthetics of his collages. For MINI design, he has generated three mesmerizing collages that position the brand’s future models center stage amid fantastical illustrations and animations. Finishing touches for the motifs were put on by the post specialists from RECOM.

Julia and the MINI design team draw inspiration and creative momentum from the art and fashion scene. While Constantin has already created digital image worlds for luxury fashion brands, this is the first time he has collaborated with an automotive brand. True to the classic principles of this art form, Constantin Prozorov breathes new life into existing material. Aided by digital technology, he has recombined the artwork provided by the MINI designers in an entirely new way, complementing it with the fantastical figures and floral elements which make his work so distinctive.

“Constantin Prozorov’s artistic style offers an inspiring perspective on the design of the new MINI family,” says Oliver Heilmer, Head of MINI Design. “It’s unique, playful and full of positive energy.” During the collaboration between the artist and the MINI design studio, lasting more than a year, three urban dream worlds were created, which seamlessly fuse surreal elements with depictions of the new MINI models and the surroundings crafted for them.

“In my latest series, I embark on a journey of discovery through the intriguing world of MINI. I call it ‘An odyssey through the Miniverse.’ ... Each of the works reflects the characteristics and spirit of the three vehicles, immersing viewers in surreal dreamscapes in which nature, urban environments and mythical creatures collide. I have categorized the MINIVERSE into three elemental worlds: air, water and earth. This represents a harmony with nature that is a key theme in my artistic practice. In each of the three collages, I have created a mythical creature that takes us on a mesmerizing voyage through its universe of colors and textures.” Constantin Prozorov.

For the MINI designers, the exchange with Constantin Prozorov has likewise opened fresh perspectives on the new MINI models. Exchanging ideas with creative minds from different disciplines has always been one of the most significant sources of inspiration. Which is why we are all the more delighted that Creative Director Julia Obermeier is once again coming to UPDATE-24-BERLIN in search of new talent and creative expertise.

To sign up for her VIEWING, just send us a quick email to update@UPDATE.Salon.

See you in Berlin !

UPDATE Salon – 18+19 April 2024 at Telegraphenamt in Berlin. Doors open at 12pmUPDATE.Salon

Creative Director     Julia Obermeier
Post Production     RECOM GmbH & Co. KG
Illustration     Constantin Prozorov

GoSee : gosee.news/transportation

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov

MINI Design x Constantin Prozorov