NEW at GoSee is QUENTIN DÉCAILLET, a product and beauty photographer based in the Swiss Alps, whose job often takes him to Lausanne, Geneva and Paris. He sees his work as a bridge between technical precision and artistic narrative. About the series shown here, Quentin says :
"Finding inspiration isn’t always easy. There are times when you want to create, but the ideas just don’t come. Over the past few years, I’ve found that going back to my childhood memories, emotions, and experiences has been one of the most powerful sources of inspiration. This series is a great example.
I was looking at this beautiful Dior lipstick, trying to come up with an idea… but nothing. I tried scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram, but they no longer inspire me. They’re great when you're starting out, but I’ve come to realize that true inspiration doesn’t come from imitation. So, I stepped outside to clear my head, into my garden, where I started observing the insects, just as I did when I was a...