Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Creative

LOCATIONS //   München

About // Benjamin Werner

Benjamin was born a little bit outside of Munich in the mid 1980s. Growing up, influenced by the Steiner school he attended, Benjamin developed a deep interest in people and the features of life around himself. After studying photography and assisting for quite a few years, he now makes use of his interest in and love for people to capture intimate moments that unveil the personality without wanting them to be anyone else. Besides his working in the fashion industry, Benjamin keeps his mind op… read more

Clients // of Benjamin Werner

AKOG, Anzinger und Rasp, Conde Nast Verlag, Egon Zehnder, HugoBoss, HW- Design, INK Corporated, Marc o´Polo, MyTheresa, Net-a-Porter, Yoox Group, Saskia Diez, Studio Strada, Opus, Someday, Simplicity Trade GmbH, YCCP, Eckerle, Hallhuber, Orwell
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign
Benjamin Werner c/o TAKE Agency for the new Marc O'Polo SS19 Beachwear Campaign